Your Account Has Been Upgraded

Please login to the new DataRef here. The legacy system will soon be retired. Your new username & password were emailed on April 19 from

If you need help with logging in please contact us at 770-532-5610 or email us at


Legacy DataRef

**Will Be Discontinued Soon

The Legacy Dataref can still be accessed by clicking “Legacy Login” in the menu or going here:
**This version of the software is currently not being updated with new data.
**All new accounts will be added onto the new system.

To reach out about getting into the new version click here.

Helpful Resources

User Manual

We have put together an full help guide to assist you in learning the new system. You can find it by clicking on support in the top menu or going to. 

New DataRef

You can access the New DataRef by going to and logging in. Otherwise you can click login in the menu at the top.